Friday, January 11, 2013

Winter Funk

The "official" ETL start date has been postponed due to all three of us being sick this week. I'm sorry, but eating nothing but beans and greens is just not what I want to do when I'm feeling like crap. Three days at the new school and Picky gets a terrible head and chest cold. Then of course, gives it right to us.

I will say, in the past two weeks I have been easing into the program, and I seriously feel good. I feel much lighter and have more energy. I was a bad girl and had pizza last night - completely homemade so at least no weird stuff - but I've done pretty well other than that.

We had PP's second birthday party last weekend, so that was fun. My sister stayed the night and we spent most of it out on the porch talking. It's been a pretty boring week in PP land.

Some thoughts: do you ever feel like the life you are living is not what you are meant to be doing? Like you have so much to offer and just can't figure out what the right outlet to direct all your energy is? There are so many BIG things I want to do - not just resolutions - and I just don't know where to start. I am such a Gemini, I am all over the place seriously. I'm hoping this blog will help me either a)reign in my craziness b)get some perspective on life and/or c)actually do some of these things I've been thinking about for so long but haven't had the balls to put them on paper.

1. Become a yoga teacher
2. Make my own soap/aromatherapy/all-natural beauty products
3. Have a blog that people might just maybe read
4. Figure out how the hell to make the three things above a profitable reality so I can quit my day job and spend more time with my family.

A wise woman I worked with in California told me, "if you write it down and look at it every day, it WILL happen." I'm making a sign to tape to my desk now.

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