Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Picky Picky!

My Picky Picky is TWO years old today! How time flies...

We got her a fish tank and I'm going after work to pick out two goldfish. We wanted this to be a family affair, but since I work an hour away from home it's hard to get the car loaded up at 6:30pm and head out when that's usually her dinner time. She's also got her second day at school, staying through lunch. JJ dropped her off since I had to be at work, and said she wanted to take him around and show him everything. I wish so bad I was the one who gets her ready for school, drops her off and gets to know the other parents. Oh to have a job closer to home...

On another note, I was starving yesterday after my Mexican lunch date fell through, so I had a salad with a yummy mustard/rice wine dressing and leftover cabbage rolls for dinner. I don't know why these rolls aren't doing the trick, but I had to have a snack last night after dinner. I did NOT want to break the diet, so I made a small bowl of oatmeal with some leftover coconut milk eggnog (vegan). It was DELICIOUS! I had another bowl for breakfast, along with a juice. Yum! Having salad for lunch and probably veggie stir fry for dinner. I do feel lighter, I haven't weighed myself yet but plan to do so tomorrow sometime.

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