Who is Picky Picky?

Picky Picky is my sweet daughter, born in early January 2011. She is the spunkiest, funniest, most dramatic old soul I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. From the moment she arrived, her eyes just said, "yawn... I'm back, y'all better make this a good ride!" I adore this child to pieces.

The whole "Picky Picky" thing started when she wouldn't eat anything (and I mean anything) and I told her she was being a Picky Picky, not thinking anything about it. Apparently it stuck because that's what she calls herself now. "No mama, I not a baby, I a Picky Picky!!!" Whatever floats your boat child.

And a little word about me - I am a southerner born and raised with the heart and soul of a Californian. I was fortunate enough to live in Northern California for three years, and I kick myself everyday for leaving. Oh well, I brought a husband (JJ) and a new zest for life, food, drink and fun back with me. Hopefully I can find my place in this world and figure out how to mesh all that into one little lifetime.

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