Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Beginnings

Picky Picky started her new school today! She's going to a Montessori preschool here in Raleigh (well, it's in Cary technically but still close to home) which is a big step coming from a nanny who only kept one other baby while keeping PP. There are 15 kids in her class! We were just there for an hour this morning, to let her get used to everything and she did great. We take her through lunch time tomorrow, then through nap time on Friday. I think she is going to do great, I just can't believe she's already old enough to be in preschool.

My Eat to Live resolution officially starts Monday, January 7, but I am easing in this week. Which is good because I have lunch plans for Mexican today with a coworker, lol. Yesterday we made a juice of beets, carrots, sweet potato and apple which I had for breakfast and lunch, and made barley and bean stuffed cabbage rolls for dinner. JJ and I both really liked them, although I was a little hungry and feeling empty about two hours after dinner. I had another juice this morning, and have been munching on a salad so I don't over indulge at lunch. Those dang chips and salsa are just so gooooood......

I'll post some recipes and my meal plan for the next week soon.

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