Saturday, December 29, 2012


Tonight JJ looked at me, while we were struggling to make dinner and satisfy Picky Picky at the same time, and said, "do yo know what we were doing four years ago?" It took me a moment, and as I was watching PP fling the filling out of her taco onto the floor/walls/cabinets/refrigerator, I started having flashbacks of my romance with my sweet husband, lots of  champagne kisses, and Jager Bombs.

Yep, that was us four years ago; drive by jager bombs, ucky's, Blue Moon, La Bamba and some damn good wine.

Tonight, our tacos were dry, the tortillas not real and the ambiance had much to be desired. I miss you Sonoma late night!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Another one bites the dust...

As 2012 draws to a close, I, like millions of other people have already started my list of resolutions to do in the next year. (Of course, losing weight is on top of the list but more on that later.) I am going to post my list of resolutions, because after all, starting a blog to work through my resolutions is #1 on my list, but I'm also going to reflect on the past year and all I've accomplished.

Hmmmm... yeah. I got nothing. HA!

Not really, my only big resolution was to go vegetarian (or at least partly, I still let myself eat seafood because I'm from NC and can't give up shrimp). I actually lasted for the better part of the year. Except for a bite of JJ's burger or chicken here and there, I really stuck to my guns on that one. Until Christmas and I let loose on the prime rib. It was dang good too.

Other than that, I've gotten a promotion and a raise (albeit a small one), I ran a half marathon (not a resolution), a 5K on my birthday (hey - this was a resolution! I'm more awesome than I thought!), loved on my baby girl so much she runs from me when I come at her with kisses, and learned some pretty banging new recipes.

So here it goes for 2013 - it's out there for all the world to see so I can't turn back now!
1. Start a blog for 2013 goals
2. Keep up with said blog at least once a week
3. Read "Eat to Live"
4. Complete 6-week Eat to Live plan - NO EXCUSES OR CHEATS!
5. Encourage a friend to train for and run a 10K with me
6. Do the OBX 1/2 marathon again
7. Home brew at least 3 batches of beer
8. Complete one random act of kindness a month (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
9. Refinish old furniture in spare bedroom
10. Learn how to use my camera

Wish me luck!